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学术报告通知: From Connected Vehicles to Internet-of-Things (IoT): Recent Advances in Communications and Networking



报告题目: From Connected Vehicles to Internet-of-Things (IoT): Recent Advances in Communications and Networking

报告人Dr. Zhengguo ShengTheUniversity of Sussex, UK.




摘要: Modern cars feature embedded systems that monitor and manage all the critical sensors and actuators. The vehicle connectivity can be further extended with Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) technology, which allows cars to exchange that collected information and even act on it. Meanwhile, IoT will increase the pervasiveness of the Internet and the overall connectivity by integrating every “object” (e.g., sensors, smart phones, vehicles, infrastructures and external management platform) forming an intelligent system. Using the advanced communications and networking capabilities, the combination of vehicles and IoT have the potential to reach a wide range of objectives at more cost effective ways.


报告人简介: Zhengguo Sheng is a lecturer at Department of Engineering and Design, the University of Sussex, UK. Previously, he was with UBC as a research associate, and with France Telecom Orange Labs as the senior researcher and project manager in M2M/IoT. He also worked as a research intern with IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA, and U.S. Army Research Labs. Before joining Orange Labs, he received his Ph.D. and M.S. with distinction at Imperial College London in 2011 and 2007, respectively, and his B.Sc. from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC) in 2006. His current research interests cover vehicular communications, IoT/M2M.



